Post menopause - like a Second Puberty but with Wisdom & Knowledge.
By Petra Coveney @menopause_yoga
Peri Menopause can feel like a second puberty with hormones going haywire, emotions up and down, anxiety and overwhelm as your body and brain get rewired for the next stage of life.
But Post-menopause can feel like you’re a Queenager.
You have the benefits of life experience, wisdom, knowledge and you know yourself.
This is powerful stuff! You are a Queenager.
👑 Wear that Crown.
Instead of your energy and attention being used up in a monthly cycle of Procreativity - instead you can release it and focus on Creativity.
❤️ What passion projects or adventures would you like to explore?
⏰ This is YOUR time now. Carpe diem - dont waste it. Focus on what brings you joy and fulfils you.
This isn't a second puberty - it’s a Second Spring 🌸 Go Blossom!
Join Petra Coveney for a Second Spring Workshop at Yoga West on March 18th in London from 12pm-5pm. This special workshop will include:
- a women's circle discussion on how to prepare for your second spring.
- Hormones, Health and Healing
- a Menopause Yoga class for strength and empowerment in your Second Spring.
- Deep yoga Nidra relaxation with a Second Spring guided visualisation.
To book your tickets visit the Yoga West Studio website.
#secondspring #perimenopause #menopause #postmenopause #menopauseyoga #petracoveney #teenagertoqueenager #wearyourcrown